Limone sul Garda

How to get there

Limone sul Garda is easily reachable of transport. Thanks to the construction of the Strada Gardesana in 1931 the village of Limone accessible to tourism.

Find out how to get to Limone sul Garda!

By car

If you reach Limone sul Garda by car, you can take either the motorway or the state road. Take the A4 Milan-Venice motorway and exit at Brescia Est, then take the ring road towards Lago - Madonna di Campiglio - Salò. From Salò follow the signs for Riva del Garda.

By train

The nearest train stations to Limone are Desenzano del Garda in the south of the lake and Rovereto in the north. For information on timetables:

By bus

Getting to Limone sul Garda by bus is easy. The town is served by the Riva del Garda / Desenzano line and the Riva del Garda / Brescia line. For information on timetables:

By plane

Limone sul Garda is in a strategic position, well connected to the main national and international airports. The nearest airports are Verona, Milan and Bergamo. At the airport you can rent a car to reach the resort on Lake Garda, or you can take a taxi or use public transport.

By bike

Thanks to the public transport service it is possible to transport bicycles from one part of the lake to another. From the various ports on the lake, for example, you can comfortably take the ferry or boat, load your bike on board and after a short ride, continue the cycle paths to Limone sul Garda!

See also